How can colourists fix a patchy home dye colour?

We all know those patchy home dye colour clients that walk through the salon door, often looking for a colourist to work miracles. We asked ELEVEN Australia Educator Katie Groves how she would tackle this task with ELEVEN Australia Colour

When faced with a patchy home colour job, an important first step is to try and achieve an even canvas. Using ELEVEN Australia Porosity Equaliser Spray is a great start and will allow you to achieve a more even colour. Time is the key to a patchy home job and can then be built upon in future appointments. Rome was not built in a day!

Patchy brown box dye? Pick a base close to the darkest patch.

Brassy box blonde? Try some fine highlights to brighten and break up the unwanted warmth.

TOP TIP – Remember though tint doesn’t lift tint!

Follow Katie on Insta for more amazing hair tips!

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